

Quiz: What Is Your Knowledge About Football Rules?

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Would you be a good referee? In this quiz we will test your knowledge about football refereeing rules.

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translated by Cards Realm

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revised by Leon

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Everyone has an opinion about refereeing in football, but do you really understand the rules of the game? We have put together some questions about refereeing rules for you to test your knowledge, and really make sure you know everything about football.

What happens when a player passes the ball with his feet to his team's goalkeeper, and he controls it with his hands?

Penalty.Correct symbol

Indirect foul inside the area.Correct symbol

Direct foul outside the area.Correct symbol

Indirect foul outside the area.Correct symbol

What happens if the ball hits the corner flag and returns to the field?

The ball remains in play.Correct symbol

Possession is given back to the last player to touch the ball.Correct symbol

The ball goes out of play.Correct symbol

The referee calls "Fair Play" and the last team in possession must pass the ball back to the opposing team.Correct symbol

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What does this sign mean?

Game restart after substitution.Correct symbol

Penalty.Correct symbol

Start of Match.Correct symbol

Advantage.Correct symbol

If a player loses his boot during a play, what happens?

The game is stopped.Correct symbol

The game is not stopped, and the player must leave the field until he puts on his boots again.Correct symbol

The game is not stopped.Correct symbol

The game is stopped, and the player must leave the field until he puts on his boots again.Correct symbol

How long does the goalkeeper have to put the ball back on the field after controlling it with his hands?

5 secondsCorrect symbol

10 secondsCorrect symbol

6 secondsCorrect symbol

12 secondsCorrect symbol

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What does this sign mean?

Penalty.Correct symbol

Indirect free kick.Correct symbol

Lack.Correct symbol

Start of match.Correct symbol

What happens if a team has 5 players sent off during the match?

The club is punished and loses control of the field in the next match.Correct symbol

The game ends.Correct symbol

The team loses the match by W.O.Correct symbol

The team is disqualified from the competition they are playing in.Correct symbol

Can offside only be marked after midfield?

True.Correct symbol

False.Correct symbol

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What does this sign mean?

Game over.Correct symbol

Goal, play or decision disallowed.Correct symbol

Offside.Correct symbol

"It wasn't a mistake."Correct symbol

The ball is out of play when.

It plays on the side and back lines.Correct symbol

Half of it passes through the side and back lines.Correct symbol

The player in possession leaves along the side and back lines.Correct symbol

It completely passes through the side and back lines.Correct symbol



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