

Quiz: What would be your position on the soccer field?

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Answer the questions below and find out which position in football best suits you!

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translated by Cards Realm

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revised by Leon

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The judge whistles the start of the game. What do you do first?

I look at my companions and give instructionsCorrect symbol

I ask for the ball and try a bold playCorrect symbol

I already position myself to organize the midfieldCorrect symbol

I go with everything in the first fight, no one passes!Correct symbol

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You are in the last minute of the final, your team needs to hold the result. What do you do?

I kick away, security first!Correct symbol

I distribute short passes and maintain possessionCorrect symbol

Insurance the ball in attack and try to dig a foulCorrect symbol

I make wax without looking obvious and safe the gameCorrect symbol

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What is your greatest pleasure on the pitch?

Leave a defender on the floor with a dribbleCorrect symbol

Hit a perfect pass and break the opposing defenseCorrect symbol

Fly to a spectacular defenseCorrect symbol

Give a clean cart and hear the crowd shout my nameCorrect symbol

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What do you do when you see the adversary shirt 10 coming toward you?

I already position myself and prepare my hands to defendCorrect symbol

I hope the best chance to disarm you and playCorrect symbol

I try to steal the ball before he thinks the next passCorrect symbol

I go straight up and try to destabilize it in the psychologicalCorrect symbol

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The coach calls you and says, 'We need to change the game!' What does he probably want you to do?

Shake the attack and decide with a Salvador goalCorrect symbol

Enter to hold the result with amazing defensesCorrect symbol

Strengthen the defense and guarantee the sweaty victoryCorrect symbol

Control the midfield and make the team turn betterCorrect symbol

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If you could choose a superpower in football, what would it be?

Superhuman reflexes to never take a goalCorrect symbol

Ray speedCorrect symbol

Game view of a chess masterCorrect symbol

Brute forceCorrect symbol

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Your team gets a corner in the last move of the game. Where are you?

In the middle of the area, ready to head or remove the dangerCorrect symbol

Inside the area, waiting for the ball to mark the goal of the victory!Correct symbol

Near the area, ready to get a rebound and organize the gameCorrect symbol

In the goal, praying not to counterattackCorrect symbol

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Your biggest dream in football would be ...

Be the wall that every striker fears facingCorrect symbol

Be the conductor of the team, distributing genius passesCorrect symbol

Score a goal in the last minute of the final of a championshipCorrect symbol

Raise a cup after an intense and race gameCorrect symbol

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What irritates you more during a match?

When I'm overthrown and the judge has it followsCorrect symbol

When my defense leaves me in handCorrect symbol

When my companions make mistakes easy passesCorrect symbol

When someone is missing and wrapping the gameCorrect symbol

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If you were a famous player, what would be your nickname?

The conductor!Correct symbol

The sheriff!Correct symbol

The Wall!Correct symbol

The Matador!Correct symbol
